Sustainable Schools

Schools make huge efforts in trying to educate children in both the global issues of climate change, as well as how local efforts can help both the school and local community.

Through the Sustainable Schools National Framework the government is driving its 'eco' strategies into all walks of school life in the future, encouraging 'whole school' participation in all aspects of sustainability.

Using Powerwise, schools can make significant energy reductions with the resulting benefit of significant reductions in CO2 emissions and costs. In storing and reporting on the power use the school can use the information to both report on CO2 reductions (when required), as well as introducing the use of the technology into the curriculum. Modus are working with education customers to enhance the current reporting to assist in its curriculum use.

Reducing energy use has many advantages for schools – it saves money, reduces carbon emissions (helping to combat climate change), improves the learning environment and can enhance a school
the Carbon Trust