Powerwise 2012. Going green doesn't mean going into the red

Reduce your PC energy costs by up to 40%

The problem.

You need to cut costs, especially in today's tough economic climate, and cut your carbon emissions to hit company targets.

The solution.

Powerwise is innovative, inexpensive and simple to install. It powers up, powers down and powers off your PCs - automatically - to give you optimum energy savings. Which helps save you money and the environment.

The hidden costs of running your computers

  • On average over 50% of your organisation's computers will be left on when they needn't be.
  • Around 20% of your computers will never be turned off.
  • Wasted energy from your computers can cost you over £40 per PC, per year.
  • That's the equivalent of over 350Kgs of unnecessary CO2 emissions annually.
Centralise the management of your PC power with Powerwise and you will maximise energy savings and productivity, while you minimise your carbon footprint.

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