End of summer term special offer for schools

icon_news.gifNews - 1st July 2009

Order Powerwise before the end of the 2009 summer term,
Pay in the new school year in September

Can you guarantee all your PCs are off when they are not in use?
Are you sure all your PCs will be turned off during the summer holiday, especially if you have summer schools using them?

On average our senior school customers have saved up to 50% of their PC energy costs using Powerwise. This has reduced their annual energy costs by up to £9000.00.

To help you, Modus are offering the chance to buy Powerwise before the end of term, but defer payment until the new term in September, allowing you to start benefitting immediately without the outlay.

See our education section for case studies.


Find out more

Sales: 0208 819 8040
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